
// You can find me @CookieMilk at CookieMilk's Support Server //

Breedable Horses from MagicalMounts! Fully compatible with MagicalMounts!

The Horses come in female and male of each color and they're each others partner.
When a female and male of a specific color breed, they will produce a foal which has a chance of growing up into either female, male of any color.

Everything works as you would expect in terms of taming, riding.
Find a female, male horse, tame them and you can put a saddle on them and breed.

Here's a list of food items they can eat by default.
Raspberry, Blueberries, Cloudberry, Carrot, Mushroom, MushroomYellow, Honey, Barley, Flax, Dandelion, Thistle, Bread

Just like the Horses from MagicalMounts they come with extensive configs.
Every female, male of each color as well as all foals have attacks that can be configured.

Starting with version 1.0.4 a location got introduced that now contain all the spawns for the horses.
Horses no longer spawn in the wild but only in this location but any already spawned horses remain in the world until they die.

If you install this mid-game then run the command genloc to generate the location or simply explore new Meadows.

1x White Horse Wild
1x Black Horse Wild
1x Gray Horse Wild
1x Brown Horse Wild
1x Palomino Horse Wild
1x Cosmic Horse Wild
1x Horse Saddle
Recipe & Crafting
Horse Saddle
Workbench lvl 1
10x LeatherScraps
5x BronzeNails
Horse Saddle Armor
Workbench lvl 1
10x LeatherScraps
5x BronzeNails
1.1.6 • Added support for sleeping if you have MagicalMounts.
1.1.5 • General improvements.
1.1.4 • Updated ReadMe to link directly to the mods own page on my website.
1.1.3 • Updated LocationManager.
1.1.2 • Adjusted all attacks to feel even better.
1.1.1 • All horse attacks are in a good state again.
        Please report any strange behaviors with attack or AI in general.
1.1.0 • Updated for Bog Witch.
1.0.9 • Tweaked AI related values.
1.0.8 • Foals now act like foals meaning they no longer attack and you need to protect while they grow up.
1.0.7 • Improved colliders for all creatures.
1.0.6 • Disabled "Aggrevatable" as it made tamed horses be able to take player damage regardless.
1.0.5 • Changed location name from wh_horsefarm to wh_ranch as it makes more sense.
1.0.4 • Introducing a new location where all future horses will spawn! 
        If you have suggestions, feedback on how to improve the location please let me know.
        It's limited to x2 female, x2 male horses at any given time but all horses exist in the spawnlist.
        This means that all horses will stop spawning in the world and will be exclusive to this new location.
        Either make a new world or run the command genloc to generate the new location in all explored Meadows.
1.0.3 • Enabled Aggrevated which enables the horses to be neutral until hit when you switch faction to Dverger.
1.0.2 • Female now uses the regular saddle while male uses the armored saddle.
      • Brown horse is now the dominant horse with a spawn chance of 100% while the rest 1%.
        This incentivises breeding as the foals grows up in different colors as female or male.
        You can still change this in the config and define your own spawn settings as usual.
1.0.1 • Added compatability with MagicalMounts.
1.0.0 • Release.


Do you have feedback regarding this mod?
Let me know over at the Discord!

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